The Small Things Matter - Western Thailand

The Small Things Matter - Western Thailand

"If all mankind were to disappear, the world would regenerate back to the rich state of equilibrium that existed ten thousand years ago. If insects were to vanish, the environment would collapse into chaos." E. O. Wilson
A personal project, I have been photographing the small or "macro" world of Western Thailand's forests for a number of years. Be patient and look close enough and a world of fascinating creatures reveals itself. Insects form the foundations of all terrestrial ecosystems and as such are crucial to our own existence. Not only are they critical food sources for many creatures, but they are also important decomposers, ensuring that wastes, dead animals and plants are disposed of and nutrients recycled. And of course they are the planet's primary pollinators. With global insect populations falling by as much as 2.5% per year, its hard to understand why it is that we are not doing more to stop the practices that are so harmful. Of these, intensive agriculture and the heavy use of pesticides are the main culprits. 
By revealing the amazing diversity and beauty of small creatures in my photographs I hope in some small way to contribute to improving our appreciation of them, and in turn drive action for their protection. 
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